Les troupes aéroportées

Une division aéroportée s’organise d’une manière quasi similaire à une division d’infanterie. Elle est constituée de 3 brigades (2 brigades de parachutistes et 1 brigade de troupes transportées par planeurs). La division est complétée par une certain nombre d’éléments de support, eux-même transportés par la voie des airs.

Durant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, l’armée anglaise possédait deux divisions aéroportées :

  • La 1ère Division, qui s’est tristement illustrée sur Arnhem, commandée par le Général Urquhart,
  • La 6ème Division, commandée par le Général Gale et qui a participée au débarquement du 6 juin, avec notamment la prise du Pegasus Bridge par le Major Howard et ses Ox & Bucks, à laquelle est incorporé le 1er Bataillon Canadien.

Chaque division aéroportée s’organise de la manière suivante :

Détail des divisions aéroportées


1st Airborne Division

6th Airborne Division

Postal Unit
  6th Airborne Postal Unit
Divisional Signals
1st Airborne Division Signals Element 6th Airborne Division Signals Element
Corps of Military
89th Field Security Section (Intelligence Corps) Divisional Provost Company 317th Field Security Section (Intelligence Corps) Divisional Provost Company
Airlanding Reconnaissance Squadron
1st Airlanding Reconnaissance Squadron 6th Airborne Regiment
Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment 21st Independent Parachute Company (Pathfinders) 22nd Independent Parachute Company (Pathfinders)
Parachute Field Ambulance
16th Parachute Field Ambulance 224th Parachute Field Ambulance
Parachute Field Ambulance
133rd Parachute Field Ambulance 225th Parachute Field Ambulance
Parachute Field Ambulance
181st Airlanding Field Ambulance 195th Parachute Field Ambulance
Headquarters Airborne REME Headquarters Airborne REME
Airlanding Light Detachment
1st Airborne Airlanding Light Aid Detachment Workshop 6th Airborne Airlanding Light Aid Detachment Workshop
HQ RAOC Headquarters Airborne RAOC Headquarters Airborne RAOC
Ordnance Field Park 1st Airborne Ordnance Field Park 6th Airborne Ordnance Field Park
Headquarters Airborne RASC Headquarters Airborne RASC
Light Company 93rd Airborne Light Company 716th Airborne Light Company
Light Company 250th Airborne Light Company 63rd Airborne Light Company
Light Company 253rd Airborne Light Company 398th Airborne Light Company
HQ Royal Engineers Headquarters Airborne Royal Engineers Headquarters Airborne Royal Engineers
Parachute Squadron
1st Parachute Squadron 3rd Parachute Squadron
Parachute Squadron 4th Parachute Squadron 591st Parachute Squadron
Field Company
9th Airborne Field Company 249th Airborne Field Company
Field Park Company
261st Airborne Field Park Company 286th Airborne Field Park Company
HQ Royal Artillery Headquarters AirborneArtillery
Royal Artillery
Headquarters AirborneArtillery
Royal Artillery
Airlanding Light Regiment 1st Airlanding Light Regiment 53rd (Worcestershire Yeomanry) Airlanding Light Regiment
Airlanding Anti-tank Batteries 1/2nd Airlanding Anti-tank Batteries 2nd, 3rd, 4th Airlanding Anti-tank Batteries
Airlanding Light Anti-Aircraft Batteries 1st Airlanding Light Anti-Aircraft Batteries 2nd Airlanding Light Anti-Aircraft Batteries
HQ Airlanding Brigade
1st Airlanding Brigade Headquarters 6th Airlanding Brigade Headquarters
Senior Airlanding Battalion 7th Bat. King’s Own Scottish Borderers 12th Bat. Devonshire Regiment
Second Airlanding Battalion 1st Bat. Border Regiment 2nd Bat. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Inf.
Junior Airlanding Battalion 2nd Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment 1st Bat. Royal Ulster Rifles
HQ Parachute Brigade 4th Parachute Brigade Headquarters 5th Airlanding Brigade Headquarters
Senior Parachute Battalion 10th Bat. Parachute Regiment 7th Bat. Parachute Regiment (Light Infantry)
Second Parachute Battalion 11th Bat. Parachute Regiment 12th Bat. Parachute Regiment (Yorkshire)
Junior Parachute Battalion 156th Bat. Parachute Regiment 13th Bat. Parachute Regiment (Lancashire)
HQ Parachute Brigade
1st Parachute Brigade Headquarters 3rd Airlanding Brigade Headquarters
Senior Parachute Battalion 1st Bat. Parachute Regiment 8th Bat. Parachute Regiment
Second Parachute Battalion 2nd Bat. Parachute Regiment 9th Bat. Parachute Regiment
Junior Parachute Battalion 3rd Bat. Parachute Regiment 1st Canadian Parachute Regiment