L’infanterie britannique


50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division

51st (Highland) Infantry Division

52nd (Lowland)  Infantry Division

53rd (Welch) Infantry Division

59th (staffordshire) Infantry Division

Postal Unit
Postal Unit Postal Unit Postal Unit Postal Unit Postal Unit
Divisional Signals
50th Divisional Signals 51st Divisional Signals 52nd Divisional Signals 53rd Divisional Signals 59th Divisional Signals
Corps of Military
50th Provost Company 51st Provost Company 52nd Provost Company 53rd Provost Company 59th Provost Company
Support battalion
2nd Bat. The Cheshire Regiment 1/7th Bat. Middlesex Regiment 7th Bat. Manchester Regiment 1st Bat. Manchester Regiment 7th Bat. Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Reconn. Corps
61st RECCE Regiment 2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry 52nd RECCE Regiment 53rd RECCE Regiment 59th RECCE Regiment
Field Ambulance
149th Field Ambulance 174th Field Ambulance 155th Field Ambulance 147th Field Ambulance 203rd Field Ambulance
Field Ambulance
186th Field Ambulance 175th Field Ambulance 156th Field Ambulance 202nd Field Ambulance 210th Field Ambulance
Field Ambulance
200th Field Ambulance 176th Field Ambulance 157th Field Ambulance 212th Field Ambulance 211th Field Ambulance
Field Hygiene Section
22nd Field Hygiene Section   32nd Field Hygiene Section 53rd Field Hygiene Section  
Field Dressing Station
47th Field Dressing Station 5th Field Dressing Station 17th Field Dressing Station 13th Field Dressing Station 27th Field Dressing Station
Field Dressing Station 48th Field Dressing Station 6th Field Dressing Station 18th Field Dressing Station 26th Field Dressing Station 28th Field Dressing Station
Divisional REME Divisional REME Divisional REME Divisional REME Divisional REME
Infantry Brigades Workshop 69th Infantry Brigade Workshop 152nd Infantry Brigade Workshop 155th Infantry Brigade Workshop 71st Infantry Brigade Workshop 176th Infantry Brigade Workshop
Infantry Brigades Workshop 151st Infantry Brigade Workshop 153rd Infantry Brigade Workshop 156th Infantry Brigade Workshop 158th Infantry Brigade Workshop 177th Infantry Brigade Workshop
Infantry Brigades Workshop 231st Infantry Brigade Workshop 154th Infantry Brigade Workshop 157th Infantry Brigade Workshop 160th Infantry Brigade Workshop 197th Infantry Brigade Workshop
HQ RAOC Divisional RAOC Divisional RAOC Divisional RAOC Divisional RAOC Divisional RAOC
Infantry Ordnance Field Park 50th Ordnance Field Park 51st Ordnance Field Park 52nd Ordnance Field Park 53rd Ordnance Field Park 59th Ordnance Field Park
Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit 15th Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit 35th Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit 307th Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit Mobile Laundry and Bath Unit
Divisional RASC Divisional RASC Divisional RASC Divisional RASC Divisional RASC
Infantry Brigades Company 346th  Company 525th  Company 528th Field Company 531st  Company 28th Field Company
Infantry Brigades Company 508th  Company 526th  Company 529th Field Company 532nd  Company 300th Field Company
Infantry Brigades Company 522nd  Company 527th  Company 530th Field Company 533 rd  Company 301st Field Company
Divisional Troops Company 524th Divisional Company 458th Divisional Company 79th Divisional Company 501st Divisional Company 557th Divisional Company
HQ Royal Engineers Divisional Engineers
Royal Engineers
Divisional Engineers
Royal Engineers
Divisional Engineers
Royal Engineers
Divisional Engineers
Royal Engineers
Divisional Engineers
Royal Engineers
Field Park Company
235th Field Park Company 239th Field Park Company 243rd Field Park Company 285th Field Park Company 511th Field Park Company
Field Company 233rd Field Company 274th Field Company 202nd Field Company 244th Field Company 257th Field Company
Field Company 295th Field Company 275th Field Company 241st Field Company 282nd Field Company 509th Field Company
Field Company 505th Field Company 276th Field Company 554th Field Company 555th Field Company 510th Field Company
Divisional Bridging Platoon
15th Bridging Platoon 16th Bridging Platoon 17th Bridging Platoon 22nd Bridging Platoon 24th Bridging Platoon
HQ Royal Artillery Divisional Artillery
Royal Artillery
Divisional Artillery
Royal Artillery
Divisional Artillery
Royal Artillery
Divisional Artillery
Royal Artillery
Divisional Artillery
Royal Artillery
Field Artillery Regiment
74th Field Regiment 126th Field Regiment 79th Field Regiment 81st Field Regiment 61st Field Regiment
Field Artillery Regiment 90th Field Regiment 127th Field Regiment 80th Field Regiment 83rd Field Regiment 110th Field Regiment
Field Artillery Regiment 124th Field Regiment 128th Field Regiment 186th Field Regiment 133rd Field Regiment 116th Field Regiment
Anti-tank Regiment
102nd Anti-tank Regiment (Northumberland Hussars) 61st Anti-tank Regiment 54st Anti-tank Regiment (Queen’s Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry) 71st Anti-tank Regiment 68th Anti-tank Regiment
Light anti-
aircraft Regiment
25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 40th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 108th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 116th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 68th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment
HQ Junior Infantry Brigade
231st Infantry Brigade 154th Infantry Brigade 157th Infantry Brigade 160th Infantry Brigade 197th Infantry Brigade
Infantry Battalion 2nd Bat. Devonshire Regiment 1st Bat. Black Watch 5th Bat. Highland Light Inf. 4th Bat. Welch Fusiliers 1/7th Bat. Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Infantry Battalion 1st Bat. Hampshire Regiment 7th Bat. Black Watch 6th Bat. Highland Light Inf. 1/5th Bat. Welch Regiment 2/5th Bat. Lancashire Regiment
Infantry Battalion 1st Bat. Dorsetshire Regiment 7th Bat. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 1st Bat. Glasgow Highlanders 2nd Bat. Monmountshire Regiment 5th Bat. East Lancashire Fusiliers
HQ Second Infantry Brigade 151 Infantry Brigade 153rd Infantry Brigade 156th Infantry Brigade 158th Infantry Brigade 177th Infantry Brigade
Infantry Battalion 6th Bat. Durham Light Inf. 5th Bat. Black Watch 4/5th Bat. Royal Scots Fusiliers 4/7th Bat. Royal Welch Fusiliers 5th Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment
Infantry Battalion 8th Bat. Durham Light Inf. 1st Bat. Gordon Highlanders 6th Bat. Cameronians 6th Bat. Royal Welch Fusiliers
1st Bat East Lancashire Regiment
1/6th Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment
Infantry Battalion 9th Bat. Durham Light Inf. 5/7th Bat Gordon Highlanders 7th Bat Cameronians

7th Bat. Royal Welch Fusiliers
1/5th Bat. Royal Welch Regiment
2/6th Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment
HQ Senior Infantry Brigade
69th Infantry Brigade 152nd Infantry Brigade 155th Infantry Brigade 71st Infantry Brigade 176th Infantry Brigade
Infantry Battalion 5th Bat. East Yorkshire Regiment 2nd Bat. Seoforth Higlanders 7/9th Bat. Royal Scots 1st Bat. East Lancashire Regiment
4th Bat. Royal Welch Fusiliers
7th Bat. Royal Norfolk Regiment
Infantry Battalion 6th Bat. Green Howards 5th Bat. Seaforth Higlanders 4th Bat. King’s Own Scottish Borderers 1st Bat. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Inf. 7th Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment
Infantry Battalion 7th Bat. Green Howards 5th Bat. Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders 5th Bat. King’s Own Scottish Borderers 1st Bat. Highland Light Inf. 6th Bat. South Staffordshire Regiment